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Neuron MAX Long Sheath, 90cmTotal Length /4cm Distal Straight. Neuron MAX 6F 088 Lumen Long Sheath (Crosscut Valve, RHV & Dilator included)


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PNML6F088904 6F. 90cm, 088" ID Neuron MAX Long Sheath, 90cmTotal Length /4cm Distal Straight. Neuron MAX 6F 088 Lumen Long Sheath (Crosscut Valve, RHV & Dilator included)

EXPIRES 2022-04-03

Key Specifications:

  • Sheath Size: 6F
  • Length: 90cm (Total Length), 4cm (Distal Straight)
  • Inner Diameter: 0.088"
  • Model: PNML6F088904
  • Components: Crosscut Valve, RHV (Radiopaque Hub Valve), Dilator included

Disclaimer: Expired products Not For Human Use. For Bench Testing and research use only.The item listed above is expired and may be used for educational, training, and non-clinical research purposes only. Any product information appearing below, including the product indication statement, pertains to an in date item only.